Mongolian Generation Study
ҮнэгүйIn recent years, the study of social generations and generational differences have become the subject of a wide range interest in many scientific fields and not just the social sciences. The categorization of generations and the differences between generations is studied in detail within developed countries in order to define and use the categories of generations to determine social and economic trends and behaviors.
Судалгааны мэдээлэл
- Ангилал:Хүн ам
- Хамрах хүрээ:1218 citizens of 6 districts of Ulaanbaatar, Khentii and Uvurkhangai aimags were covered.
- Нийтлэгдсэн он:2020
- Хуудасны тоо:25
- Түлхүүр үг:beliefs society morality views generational differences consumption class classification
- Үзсэн:1886
Судалгааны агуулга
The objective of the research is to define and identify the social generations and the differences between the social generations of Mongolia.
SICA LLC and the Mongolian Financial Markets Association conducted a “Survey to define Mongolian social generation” for the months of February and March of 2020. This research is the first study to define the Mongolian social generations, and by further improving the research methodology and organizing it annually, it will be possible to create a unified database and view the survey on a larger scale. Mongolian social generations are defined based on (1) categorization of generations at international level, (2) categorization of generations in Mongolia, (3) SICA LLC's previous research database, and (4) research assumptions.
- Research methodology
- Research result
- Research details
- Conclusion
Figure 1. Approval of the same sex marriage, by percentage.......................................................................... 13
Figure 2. Whether it is right to legalize marijuana, by percentage.................................................................... 13
Figure 3. Whether the values of morality and justice have improved by the total number of participants, by percentage.......................................................................................................................................................14
Figure 4. Whether the values of morality and justice have improved by generation, by percentage …………………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………...….14
Figure 5. Whether the economy and individual livelihood improved, by the total number of participants, by percentage.......................................................................................................................................................14
Figure 6. Whether the economy and individual livelihood improved, by generation, by percentage..................14
Figure 7. Evaluation of the quality of the education system, by total participants, by percentage......................15
Figure 8. Evaluation of the quality of the education system, by generation, by percentage...............................15
Figure 9. Whether you agree that the work is evaluated fairly, by all participants, by percentage......................15
Figure 10. Whether you agree that the work is evaluated fairly, by generation, by percentage.........................15
Figure 11. Whether you believe that Mongolia will become a developed country and live well, by all participants, by percentage?................................................................................................................................................16
Figure 12. Whether you believe that Mongolia will become a developed country and live well, by generations, by percentage?................................................................................................................................................16
Figure 13. Whether you agree with the confiscation of property, by the total number of participants, bypercentage...................................................................................................................................................17
Figure 14. Whether you agree with the confiscation of property, by generations, by percentage......................17
Figure 15. Prostitution is a matter of personal freedom, by all participants, by percentage...............................17
Figure 16. Prostitution is a matter of personal freedom, by generation, by percentage.....................................17
Figure 17. Whether you support same-sex marriage, by all participants, by percentage...................................18
Figure 18. Whether you support same-sex marriage, by generations, by percentage......................................18
Figure 19. Whether you support legalization of of narcotic herbs, by all participants, by percentage................18
Figure 20. Whether you support legalization of of narcotic herbs, by generations, by percentage....................18
Figure 21. Religious or not, by total participants, by percentage.......................................................................19
Figure 22. Preferred religion over other religions, by generations, by percentage............................................19
Figure 23. Number of religious rites performed, by the total number of participants, by percentage .........19
Figure 24. Preferred political system, by total participants, by percentage........................................................20
Figure 25. Preferred political system, by generations, by percentage...............................................................20
Figure 26. Preferred political party, by total participants, by percentage...........................................................20
Figure 27. Preferred political party, by generations, by percentage..................................................................20
Figure 28. Morality, by all participants, by percentage......................................................................................21
Figure 29. Morality, by generation, by percentage............................................................................................21
Figure 30. Morality, by all participants, by percentage......................................................................................21
Figure 31. Morality, by generation, by percentage............................................................................................21
Figure 32. Source of news and information, by all participants, by percentage.................................................22
Figure 33. Internet usage, by total participants, by percentage.........................................................................22
Figure 34. Internet usage, by generations, by percentage................................................................................22
Figure 35. Frequently used applications by total participants, by percentage...................................................22
Figure 2. Whether it is right to legalize marijuana, by percentage.................................................................... 13
Figure 3. Whether the values of morality and justice have improved by the total number of participants, by percentage.......................................................................................................................................................14
Figure 4. Whether the values of morality and justice have improved by generation, by percentage …………………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………...….14
Figure 5. Whether the economy and individual livelihood improved, by the total number of participants, by percentage.......................................................................................................................................................14
Figure 6. Whether the economy and individual livelihood improved, by generation, by percentage..................14
Figure 7. Evaluation of the quality of the education system, by total participants, by percentage......................15
Figure 8. Evaluation of the quality of the education system, by generation, by percentage...............................15
Figure 9. Whether you agree that the work is evaluated fairly, by all participants, by percentage......................15
Figure 10. Whether you agree that the work is evaluated fairly, by generation, by percentage.........................15
Figure 11. Whether you believe that Mongolia will become a developed country and live well, by all participants, by percentage?................................................................................................................................................16
Figure 12. Whether you believe that Mongolia will become a developed country and live well, by generations, by percentage?................................................................................................................................................16
Figure 13. Whether you agree with the confiscation of property, by the total number of participants, bypercentage...................................................................................................................................................17
Figure 14. Whether you agree with the confiscation of property, by generations, by percentage......................17
Figure 15. Prostitution is a matter of personal freedom, by all participants, by percentage...............................17
Figure 16. Prostitution is a matter of personal freedom, by generation, by percentage.....................................17
Figure 17. Whether you support same-sex marriage, by all participants, by percentage...................................18
Figure 18. Whether you support same-sex marriage, by generations, by percentage......................................18
Figure 19. Whether you support legalization of of narcotic herbs, by all participants, by percentage................18
Figure 20. Whether you support legalization of of narcotic herbs, by generations, by percentage....................18
Figure 21. Religious or not, by total participants, by percentage.......................................................................19
Figure 22. Preferred religion over other religions, by generations, by percentage............................................19
Figure 23. Number of religious rites performed, by the total number of participants, by percentage .........19
Figure 24. Preferred political system, by total participants, by percentage........................................................20
Figure 25. Preferred political system, by generations, by percentage...............................................................20
Figure 26. Preferred political party, by total participants, by percentage...........................................................20
Figure 27. Preferred political party, by generations, by percentage..................................................................20
Figure 28. Morality, by all participants, by percentage......................................................................................21
Figure 29. Morality, by generation, by percentage............................................................................................21
Figure 30. Morality, by all participants, by percentage......................................................................................21
Figure 31. Morality, by generation, by percentage............................................................................................21
Figure 32. Source of news and information, by all participants, by percentage.................................................22
Figure 33. Internet usage, by total participants, by percentage.........................................................................22
Figure 34. Internet usage, by generations, by percentage................................................................................22
Figure 35. Frequently used applications by total participants, by percentage...................................................22
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